For those of you who have a lot of business, of course, you have experienced a day where you are very tired. Several tasks also sometimes come together. Or sometimes the first task has not been completed yet another task appears.

Of course, this can make you confused and even stressed, to get around this avoid doing work and multitasking, because by multi-tasking the tasks you do the results are not optimal because your focus is divided.

For those of you who often feel this way, this article will be suitable for you, because after this we will discuss 5 ways to increase productivity and prioritize your tasks.

Definition of Work Productivity

In general, work productivity is the amount of work that can be done by staff in a certain number of hours or the number of labor costs. An easy way to calculate work productivity is to divide the total output by the total input you work on. The input referred to in this case includes working hours and other resources used in the work process.

5 Ways To Increase Productivity And Prioritize Your Tasks

1. Create a priority scale

Every job certainly has its deadline and urgency, when you are given quite a lot of assignments you can make a priority scale and make sure you do the tasks with faster deadlines and a higher level of urgency first.

In addition, if you are asked to help with the work of other divisions, make sure you complete your main work first, and afterward, you can help other divisions with assistance according to your capacity.

To make it easier for you when making a priority scale, you can prepare a to-do list for your work that day, so that later when you have finished the first job, you can proceed to the second to-do list and so on.

This of course will make you more productive and reduce your time to think about which work you should finish first.

2. Set realistic goals

When you have a lot of work you can make targets for each of these jobs. Of course this can also be adjusted to the priority scale of each job.

For example, from job A you have 8 tasks with a deadline of 4 days in the future, you can target to complete 2 tasks per day so that the tasks you are working on have maximum results and don’t rush you.

3. Reduce distractions

When you are feeling hectic, make sure to keep away all kinds of distractions that can distract your concentration. For example, avoid accessing social media when you are working, because playing social media can distract you. Activate the busy mode on your handphone so that notifications from social media don’t interrupt your work time.

Apart from that, you can also use silent mode on your handphone, so that when there are notifications you are not distracted by notifications that are not important.

4. Tidy up the workbench

Having a tidy desk can make your working mood increase. In addition, when your desk is tidy, you can easily reach the tools and objects you need when you work.

5. Create a conducive workplace

Apart from tidying up your desk, make sure the workplace you choose is conducive enough, especially now that there are quite several companies that have facilities to work from anywhere.

If you choose to work at home, make sure you work in a room that is quite conducive, such as in your room or maybe your private workspace at home. If necessary, you can put the words “working” on the front door of your room so that there are no disturbances from the people at home.

If you choose to work in a cafe, make sure to choose a cafe where the atmosphere is quite conducive, or if necessary choose a cafe that has working space facilities so you can focus more while working.


Those are 5 ways to increase productivity and prioritize your tasks. Hopefully, the points above can help you to work more effectively and efficiently. Make sure you do the most important task first so you don’t feel overwhelmed and complete the task to the fullest.