When dealing with baristas in cafes, confusion often arises when we have to choose which coffee beans are the best according to taste.

You can check it with the scoring method. Starting from the aroma of the coffee before it is brewed, the flavors, and the acidity, to the final total score, which is the conclusion of your taste.

Tips to Find Your Ideal Coffee Taste

And through this article, we will try to tell you how to find your ideal coffee taste, so that you can find it in a very easy way. If you want to know more about this, here are some tips that we can share with you.

The Coffee Fragrance Before Brewing

First, you can assess the smell of coffee before it is brewed, and after the beans are ground, if you like the smell of one type of coffee, you can give it a high score on a scale of 6–9.

Then brew it with hot water at a temperature of 91–93 degrees, or after letting it stand for 10 minutes after boiling. Then smell it after it’s been brewed; does the aroma increase or decrease? Then score again on the same scale, according to your favorite aroma.

Understanding Various Kinds of Coffee Flavors

The next assessment is in terms of coffee taste. Various coffees from the archipelago have various flavors, ranging from nutty, tobacco, and chocolate, to various fruits.

You can taste it by sipping the coffee with a teaspoon, trying to hit all parts of the tongue so that you can feel the various flavors.

If the dominant taste is bitter, you will feel it at the base of the tongue; a sweet taste will be felt on the tip of the tongue; sour on the side of the tongue, and so on.

“If nutty, chocolate, fruit, tobacco, acid, and others still taste the original coffee, if it’s rancid, the coffee has spoiled the coffee.”

After Taste

The next assessment is after taste, after you have swallowed the coffee and then swallowed it two or three times. If the taste of coffee is still stuck in the throat, then the aftertaste is low; conversely, if it is clean in the throat, then the aftertaste is clean. You can again give a high score on the coffee flavor you like, as well as the cleanest aftertaste.

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Measure The Height of Acidity

Then it’s time to measure the acidity level and body of the coffee. Acidity is the sour taste that is released from brewing coffee, while the body is related to viscosity, which is directly proportional to the bitter taste (bitter).

“The relationship between acidity and body is usually inversely proportional; if it is very sour, it will be bitter or the body will decrease, and vice versa. But it could be that both are balanced in the medium (both are not too bitter and not too sour).”

Add Up All The Scores

Finally, all you have to do is average the results, all the scores above are added up and divided by the six categories earlier. You can see which type of coffee suits your taste from the highest score results if you compare different types of coffee.

If you want to know more about coffee, you can visit www.coffeereliever.com which will allow you to learn more about coffee.