Listening to music on Mp3juice can change your mood for the better. Music reflects a person’s personality, even the songs you listen to can represent your feelings and thoughts. Therefore, music is often associated with very personal things.
Research also states that every personality has their favorite music genre. Even their musical tastes can be different even if they are in the same family. How could that be? This is the reason why music is very personal and represents a person’s personality.
It’s not just about music taste, several factors make someone like a music genre. Want to know more about music and personality? Check out our review below
Personality and Music are two Interrelated Things
Many music genres in the world have millions of fans. You also can’t force someone to like the music genre that you like. The results of the research show several personalities that reflect a person’s music genre.
What are they? Here are some music genres and the personalities of people who like them:
1. Pop
The pop music genre is usually liked by people with extroverted and conventional characteristics. They also tend to be honest and most of them are hardworking people with high self-esteem.
However, researchers also argue that pop music fans are usually less creative and easily agitated than fans of other genres of music. There are millions of pop music fans all over the world, and every day new songs in the pop genre appear.
Pop music is very suitable for listening to on the go, the songs are fun and easy to remember. However, many other music genres also reflect a person’s character. Find other music genres on Mp3juice that suit your character or personality.
2. Hip Hop
There is a stereotype that hip-hop fans are aggressive people and tend to commit violence. Researchers did not find this connection. However, researchers found that fans of rap/hip hop music have higher self-esteem and are friendlier than fans of other music genres.
3. Heavy Metal/Rock
One genre of music that often depicts anger and aggression is rock and heavy metal. However, research proves that most fans of this music genre are introverted, creative, and softer people.
They are people who tend to be closed and have low self-esteem. However, that doesn’t mean your taste in music is wrong, because your taste in music reflects your personality.
4. Indie
Most fans of the indie music genre are creative, intellectual, and introverted people. Research shows that indie music fans are often lazy, passive, and don’t work hard enough.
5. Classic
Who doesn’t like the classical music genre? The music sounds very comfortable to listen to. Research even shows that classical music can influence a person’s intelligence.
Classical music lovers are usually introverts, but they are more comfortable with themselves even in busy environments. Fans of the classical music genre have high creativity.
Classical music can influence a person’s life. Usually, classical music fans love their performance on stage and will listen to music all the time while working. Music is suitable for a serene atmosphere.
6. Dance
Research shows that those who like the dance music genre are friendly and assertive people. They also tend to be open with other people because they can dance with anyone.
Dance music is so beautiful, you can even start dancing when you hear it. Therefore, most dance music fans are people who like meeting other people and want to have lots of experiences.
7. Country
One music genre that has millions of fans in the world is Country. Research shows that country music fans are hard-working, friendly, and conventional people.
Even though most country music often tells stories of sadness and heartbreak, people who like it have more stable emotions. However, fans of the country genre tend to find it difficult to open up to other people compared to fans of other music genres.
8. Jazz, Blues and Soul
Jazz music is indeed very beautiful to listen to, it’s no wonder this music genre also has millions of fans, and every day there are always new songs. Researchers show that people who like Jazz, blues, and Soul music have extroverted personalities.
They tend to be friendly and have high self-esteem. Fans of this music genre are also more creative, calm, and intelligent. This music genre makes many fans have a more stable mood throughout the day.
Music genre and personality are interrelated. Even researchers around the world have proven it. Some of the fan characters above are the result of research conducted on millions of music fans from various genres.
Music becomes a means to connect with other people. This is what sometimes means a person’s personality can be reflected in the genre of music they like. But that doesn’t mean that with different music genres, you can’t have the same thoughts as other people.
The music genre reflects the character of the fans. If you are a fan of the music genres above, you are aware of your personality, and then try to relate it to the information above.
This is what makes everyone have different favorite music. Even married couples can have different tastes in music. Because this is related to character, nature, and personality.
Music can change your life to be more enjoyable. You can listen to music and download your favorite music on Mp3juice, there are even many music genres that could become your favorite.